Female leaders in the workplace – Why are we so few?
Gender equality in the workplace is not a new topic of discussion. It has been discussed numerous times before. Seemingly falling on deaf ears. Not surprisingly as women leaders in the workplace are still a minority. And that is a fact.
But we want to reiterate before proceeding any further that this is not a gender bashing or anti-men article. Having women in leadership roles and gender equality is not about disliking men or wanting dominion over them. Not at all. It is simply about wanting to be treated fairly and equally, to have equal pay, equal opportunity for senior roles, to have our concerns, our ideas and ourselves (personally and professionally) taken seriously.
So let’s start off with the following quote (to set the tone) –
“I do not wish women to have power over men; but over themselves” – Mary Shelley.
Women in the workplace
If this were 60 years ago the very notion of women being anywhere but in the kitchen would have been the punchline to a joke. But here we are in 2021 and women can be (somewhat) seen in the workplace fulfilling different roles in different industries. Performing very well, actually.
But the question, on most (women) people’s lips, is this – how many women are really in senior roles or leaders in companies? Are companies merely paying lip service to the notion of diversity in the workplace?
Read the full article here https://bravingboundaries.com/women-leaders-in-the-workplace-why-are-we-so-few/